Monday 27 February 2023

The Place far from the lights


The Place far from the lights


There is a place far from the lights

No one knows where it is,

No destination, no mention in maps

What is it, where is it!

But it is there, it is there hidden

It is there and yet you can't see,

One day you will see or probably not

The place where there are no lights

But a sweet silence of peace,

The peace you never saw

The happiness you never felt,

All is there but you can't see the path

There is no path, just a way of nature

That links to your heart and soul,

Takes you to the serene

Where you have never been before,

Jump into the deep tranquil and stay there

Cause it's here today,

Tomorrow it may become never.

Thursday 16 June 2022

Dearest One

You are stuck emotionally

You are going but there is no destination, there is but it’s blurred

You can’t see clearly, your eyes are fine but you cannot see

And life has become suddenly pointless journey of nothingness.

In this time of emptiness, you need someone special

You need someone dear to hold your hand,

You need the dear one,

You need the dear one to just sit beside you

You want the special one to do nothing but just be with you forever.


You want the touch of kindness, you want hugs of comfort and love

You want the one to listen to your every little thing

You just want to talk day and night, you just want to feel the presence day and night,

You want to complete each other day and night, forever.

It’s time, you want the dearest one,

It’s time for a journey of love and happiness into infinity together.

Friday 22 April 2022

Technology Unknown

Life is organic, natural but technology is not
Technology is neat, it is to make life easy that is it
But not to mix life with it.

Now technology and life is almost mixed
Before electronics devices were only wired and fixed
Now almost everything is wireless and radiation like gifts.

Are we not worried?
What will happen in future with this?
Most probably, we are going to live with it
And consequences will be ours to bear that comes with it,
But we will never know what future holds, Matrix?
If yes, Will there be a Neo for the Matrix that we are about hit

The Place far from the lights

  The Place far from the lights   There is a place far from the lights No one knows where it is, No destination, no mention in maps ...